• News



The impact of climate change on women’s right to health in Lake Baringo, Rift Valley, Kenya

13 January 2025 Kenya – submission to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural rights 77th session, 10-28 February 2025 Human Dignity, the CEDGG and Sciences Po HEDG Law School Clinic s read more..


Looking for a new GA member with fundraising expertise

Human Dignity is looking for a new GA member with fundraising expertise to strengthen its governance and operational development. About Human Dignity Human Dignity is a non-profit association workin... read more..


Research report: the level of integration of the human rights-based approach by French NGOs

Paris, October 22, 2024 Publication of a report on the level of integration of the human rights-based approach by French NGOs (French only) The general objective of this study is to promote the oper... read more..


2023 annual report

Annual report 2023 Paris, July 2, 2023 Our 2023 annual report looks back on our actions to make economic, social and cultural rights a reality for all. At Human Dignity, we recognize our role in bo... read more..


The right to health in Côte d'Ivoire : half kept promises

April 7, 2024 Publication of a joint report on the right to health in Côte d'Ivoire As the 2025 presidential elections approach and after an unprecedented global health crisis, Human Dignity and Sci... read more..


The platform for ESC rights in Africa launches an annual campaign on the right to health

April 7, 2024, Press release The platform for economic, social and cultural rights in Africa launches an annual campaign on the right to health On the occasion of World Health Day on April 7, 2024,&... read more..

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2022 Annual report

Annual report 2022 Paris, July 19, 2022 Our 2022 annual report looks back on our actions to make economic, social and cultural rights a reality for all. In 2022, we continued to develop our work an... read more..


Water needs a home - joint letter to UN Secretary-General António Guterres

July 13, 2023 “Water needs a home” - Follow-up to the UN 2023 Water Conference and strengthening multilateralism on water  Human Dignity and more than 130 other organisations, call on H.E.... read more..


Guide on the human rights based approach to development

Paris, July 12, 2023 Since 2020, Human Dignity has supported various actors in integrating a human rights-based approach (HRBA) into their projects and programs. In this context, in 2023, we produce... read more..


2023 United Nations Water Conference - our recommandations

Paris, New York - March 22, 2023 United Nations Water Conference - Position Paper As the United Nations Water Conference opens in New York on March 22, 2023, Coalition Eau, of which we are members, ... read more..


World Toilet Day 2022: the urgency of political mobilization for access to toilets!

Paris, November 19, 2022  November 19 marks World Toilet Day. On this occasion, Human Dignity and other members of Coalition Eau alert on the challenges of universal access to toilets and hygien... read more..


Newsletter n°11 - May 2022

Paris, 7 May 2022 Newsletter n° 11  - May 2022Dear friends and supporters,Our newsletter provides information about our latest activities and the work of the African and international human righ... read more..


2021 Annual Report

Paris, 17 May 2021 2021 Annual Report In 2021, despite many multidimensional crises in certain African countries, we were able to extend our activities and strengthen our partnerships with fantastic... read more..


Joint Statement - Our call for a global political response to the water crisis

Joint Statement - Our call for a global political response to the water crisis 22 March 2022 To mark World Water Day, celebrated on March 22, we are asserting that water is the major social and eco... read more..


9th World Water Forum: lowered ambitions

The 9th World Water Forum is organized from March 21 to 25 in Dakar. The Coalition Eau (Water Coalition), which Human Dignity is part of, is mobilizing to share its solutions with the global... read more..


World Water Day 2022: the urgency of political mobilization for water

Press release March 16, 2022 On March 22, the water community will celebrate World Water Day at the heart of the World Water Forum, organized from March 21 to 25 in Dakar (Senegal). While wate... read more..


Newsletter n°10 - December 2021

Newsletter 10 - December 2021   Dear friends and supporters, We hope that you, your families, and the communities supported by our partner organisations, are keeping safe and healthy... read more..


Regional training: testimonials of our participants

Paris, December 20, 2021 In our latest video in French, find the testimonies of the participants of our regional training on economic, social and cultural rights. Organised from 17 to 23 November 20... read more..


Call to the citizens of Mozambique: Sign the petition asking Mozambique to ratify the ICESR

Maputo, Paris, 10 December 2021 On the occasion of this Human Rights Day, Human Dignity and its 4 partners release a petition in Portuguese urging Mozambique to ratify the International Covenant... read more..


Senegal : Report on the implementation of the rights to health, water and sanitation

Publication of a joint report Dakar, Paris, November 30, 2021 Human Dignity, SIDH Senegal, CRADESC, and POSCEAS today publish a report on economic and social rights in Senegal. Its objective is to a... read more..


Togo : report on economic and social rights

Publication of a joint report Lomé, Paris, November 26, 2021 Human Dignity,  the Collective of Associations Against Impunity in Togo (CACIT) and the Human Rights Documentation and Training Cent... read more..


Benin: publication of a report on the rights to social protection and health

Publication of a report on the rights to social protection and health in Benin Joint press release Cotonou, Paris, November 24, 2021 Human Dignity, Human Rights Priority and the Network of Caregive... read more..


Our Guide for peasants economic and social rights

Human Dignity is committed to making all categories of populations aware of their economic, social and cultural rights. It is in this context that Human Dignity conducts training courses, particularl... read more..


Guide on peasants rights

Human Dignity is committed to making all categories of populations aware of their economic, social and cultural rights. It is in this context that Human Dignity conducts training courses, particularl... read more..


Call for applications : Training in French

Human Dignity organises a training on economic, social and cultural rights for CSO representatives and media from French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa. The training will be held from 17 to 23 Nove... read more..


New comic : Corporate Capture of our Healthcare Systems

Paris, 10 September 2021 New comic : Corporate Capture of Our Healthcare Systems Derails Health Equity Corporate capture of government decision-making on healthcare poses one of the most dangero read more..


Our missions in Senegal and Benin

  Paris, August 2021 Monitoring of the progressive realisation of economic, social and cultural rights in Benin and Senegal As part of our ongoing project on the promotion of economic, socia read more..


ESCR and land: our contributions to the work of the United Nations

Paris, 16 August 2021 Human Dignity and its partners drafted and submitted two joint notes to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which is developing a general comment on land and read more..


The rights to water and sanitation in 10 countries of West and Central Africa

The Water Coalition, of which Human Dignity is a member, publishes an inventory report on the recognition and integration of human rights to water and sanitation in 10 African countries (Benin, Bu read more..


UPR : Strong recommendations to Niger on economic and social rights

Joint press release Universal Periodic Review: Strong recommendations to Niger on economic and social rights Paris, Niamey, 10 June 2021 Our organisations welcome the recommendations made to Ni read more..

Results 1 - 30 of 131