We train agents of change

Human Dignity provides on-site and online training courses on human rights and the human rights-based approach to development.
We train human rights and development NGOs, staff of national human rights institutions, technical staff from ministries and development agencies.

As part of our various projects, we organize national or regional trainings for NGOs representatives, lawyers and journalists. New training courses are planned for 2021 and will be the subject of a call for applications.
Subscribe to our newsletter to be informed of our upcoming sessions.

We organize tailor-made trainings on ESCR and the human rights based approach. In particular, we have trained African farmers' organizations, African associations for the defense of human rights, European associations for the defense of the rights of the elderly and lawyers.
Our collaborations include the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), CCFD - Terre solidaire 1st French development NGO, the French Development Agency, AGE Platform Europe, Lawyers without Borders Belgium and the Regional Office for Europe of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
Contact us atinfo@hdignity.org for any additional information and request. We will be happy to build with you the training that best suits your objectives and target audience.
Since November 2016, to break the language gap, we propose the only online training on ESCR in French, with our partner Synergies cooperation.
The Geneva Academy of international Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, a leading academic institution, has joined as a new partner in 2017 and now co lead the training with us.
We are currently revamping this training and hope to resume it in 2023. In the meantime, you can read articles written by our former participants here (in French).
Subscribe to our newsletter or write us at info@hdignity.org for more information on our next session.