Human Dignity visits Niger in March 2020
Paris, 9 March 2020 – Our director, Seynabou Benga, is visiting Niger from 9 to 18 March 2020 – in partnership with Nigerien organisations SYNAFEN and REPRODEVH Niger, to assess the level of realization of economic, social and cultural rights in the country.
Niger is facing significant challenges in realizing ESCR for all populations, including people living in chronic insecurity as Niger faces a high threat from terrorism, including armed attacks and abductions in a large part of its territory.
“I am looking forward to sharing with the Government and other actors how ESCR are effectively being implemented through legislation and rights-based programmes and policies,” she said.
Our director and partners will meet with the Minister for the promotion of women, senior officials from the Ministries of Justice and Finances, the National Statistics Institute, the National Human Rights Institution as well as civil society representatives in Niamey and Tillabéri.
On 18 March, a seminar will be held at the National Human Rights Institution with CSOs, senior officials of various ministries and the commissioners of the National Human Rights Institution to reflect on the progresses and challenges to realize ESCR. The aim is to initiate a periodical and tripartite dialogue to discuss best measures to be taken to improve the realization of ESCR for all.
Human Dignity and its partners will submit a comprehensive report of the visit to the UN Human Rights Council in October 2020.