Online training on ESCR in French : you can now learn at your own pace

Human Dignity and its partners Synergies Coopération and the Geneva Academy offer online training on economic, social and cultural rights in French. 

This 7-week course aims to provide participants with in-depth knowledge of economic, social and cultural rights, state obligations and mechanisms to protect them and to monitor their implementation at national level. A specific module is dedicated to the link between ESC rights and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

It is intended is intended for NGO staff, UN and other international and intergovernmental organisations, representatives of national human rights institutions, national and local authorities.

In order to adapt to the different schedules of our participants, we have created a new formula at your own pace. You can now register at any time and learn at your own pace based on your availability.

The 7 training modules are sent to you after registration and remain accessible and downloadable for 2 months. Registration is through our partner website.

Please consult our brochures for information on our other formulas.

imagePDFInformation leaflet (in French)


imagePDF  Flyer (in French)


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